

Monday, March 22, 2010

Do you or your loved ones suffer from allergies? The kind that makes everyone miserable both the sufferer and those who look after the sufferer? Allergy

causes are as different as their symptoms. It’s brutal and not easy to diagnose but you’ve come to realize that, among others, indoor air pollution from dust, dust mites, mold, mildew, and pet dander are possible factors.

So you’re cleaning all the time but the cleaning chemicals are often just as harmful to you as the problem you’re trying to solve, right? How do you choose which symptom to address first, the itchy watery eyes and nose you get from mold in your shower or the red itchy rash from the tile cleaning chemical you’re using to kill the mold? You can’t wear rubber gloves because latex cause allergies, too. It’s a vicious circle and you want it to stop right now and guess what…you’re not alone. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases say 50 million Americans suffer from allergies of some type. That’s about half of us and the numbers appear to be growing.
I feel your pain. Although I cannot cure allergies, cleaning with steam can help on many levels. Professional steam cleaners use 290 degree steam to kill mold and mildew, not chemicals that irritate your lungs and skin. This means you can easily and effectively control mold all over your home and you don’t need to wear protective gear while you do it. Steam also kills mold in areas you can’t reach (the pressure penetrates into cracks and crevices) and areas you don’t want to touch. You don’t have to sneeze every time you take a shower (that’s one of the most common areas for mold growth) and you don’t have to choose between breathing and dealing with a nasty rash all over your hands and arms, either. Steam cleaners eliminate some of your ‘either or’ choices. You don’t have to choose between your health and a clean home. You can have both.

You know you feel better when you’ve had a good night’s sleep but as you lay down in bed, are you wheezing again? Chances are dust mites are your problem. Barb Ogg, Ph.D., at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln has information about controlling dust mites. She recommends eliminating dust catchers, washing bedding in hot water more often, and using heat or steam on your mattresses, carpeting, and upholstery to kill the dust mites that make it hard to breathe. You must also remove their debris which is actually the biggest irritant. Vacuuming and steaming your bedding and carpeting regularly helps keep the dust mite population down and you breathing easier. Dust mites love pet dander, too. Pet dander is neutralized and removed in the steaming process so your dog can be your best friend again.

Search for the topics you are particularly interested in! There are dozens of articles on every subject of steam cleaning. The very BEST way to know for sure if you are interested in purchasing a steam cleaner is to call Michelle at 801-979-6707 for a thorough demonstration at your home. No other company goes to your home to let you personally experience the innovative Sargent Steam cleaner, AND no other company has a complete repair shop in Salt Lake City! These are two very good reasons to get hands-on help to make your decision whether to purchase and which machine offers the best service. Service is worth a lot. It’s a real drudgery to pack up a broken machine and send it back!! We also offer in-store training or on-line training on how to use the machine.

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