

Monday, April 19, 2010

It's Easier to Keep the House Clean!

When I say it's easier to keep the house clean, I mean the longer you let it go, the more work it is to get it in order. Of course, that's the same philosophy as keeping a desk straightened, a bed made, a garden weeded--you get the idea.
This only applies to some people, however. I was expected to keep my room clean, my own ironing done when I was in high school, and do my part of the house cleaning. In turn, I expected my own daughters to help me around the house. We had that "dreaded list" that came out every Saturday morning!
I had four daughters. My oldest daughter, to my amusement, gets the "dreaded list" out every day. She also has four daughters and they keep up DAILY! My granddaughters are amazing. They all fuss, but it is expected of them to help. Not a bad concept. I have one of the four who "will never have a list." She's grown-up and that's her option.
I have recently had my hands hurting from arthritis. I was watching Good Things Utah one day and saw the Sargent Steam owner demonstrate the machine. I immediately went to her lovely showroom. I was the easiest sale ever. Should I have to give it up, I would never clean again.
Not only can I still have a clean home, but now I can have a sanitized home as well. I no longer use ONE toxic chemical in my home. The machine uses only ordinary tap water heated to 298 degrees and has 50 pounds of pressure. Wow! It's easier, faster, healthier, and cheaper in the long run. I was spending at least $35 a month on this cleaner or that.
Guess what? Who do you suppose also likes my steam machine? You bet! My daughters want to use MINE.
I no longer have the same problems, but here are a few they complain about:

fingerprints muddy footprints spills on the carpet dirty bathtubs
dirty window tracks dirty toys grime in the shower dirty cars
stinky tennis shoes spots on the carpet crayons on the walls

My strict rule: You use it and it is back before dawn!

I no longer worry about grandchildren getting into the toxic chemicals.

Life is easier for me now.

For more information on cleaning with steam, purchasing a steam cleaner, or having a FREE cleaning demonstration in your home, call Michelle at 801-979-6707.
I have many years of experience with a cleaning business, but once I became acquainted with the Sargent Steam cleaner, but also to become a sales representative myself!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Steam Cleaner Got Stains out of My Wedding Dress!

I have 6 granddaughters. The older girls wanted to see Grandma's wedding dress that I had so carefully saved. I was married in 1965 and my second daughter wore the dress 15 years ago. It was so wonderful to see her walk down the aisle in my wedding dress! It brought such wonderful memories back of their Grandpa and I on our wedding day. Forty-five years ago the dry cleaners told to wrap the dress in a blue sheet after it was cleaned and put it in a garment bag.
Everyone was excited to see the dress--it is still such a beautiful gown. Unfortunately, when I opened the bag, some of the intricate lace flowers were brown! We were all sick. Nobody can wear a dress with brown lace. It was a disappointing moment.
On the way home, I decided to get my Sargent Steam machine out and heat it up to see what if anything it could do. I laid it on the table with a white towel underneath it. The machine has 298 degrees with 50 pounds of pressure. I had seen a video on our Sargent Steam site of getting chocolate out of a wedding dress. I applied the steam and within not many minutes, the brown color began to lighten. I continued each piece of lace until all of them were white as snow again. Hurray! I was a happy Grandma. I immediately got on the phone to relay my great news.
The dress is again put aware in a blue sheet and in an "acid-free" garment bag. I had read online that over time, the acid produced by a regular garment bag can deteriorate textiles. Protecting precious heirlooms is important. There are companies that can prepare heirlooms for storage.

For more information on cleaning with steam, purchasing a steam cleaner, or having a FREE cleaning demonstration in your home, call Michelle at 801-979-6707.
I have many years of experience with a cleaning business, but once I became acquainted with the Sargent Steam cleaner, I decided not only to use the machines in my cleaning business, but also to become an independent business owner.