

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Discover Pain-Free Cleaning!

I am not a physician, but I can prescribe a pain reliever, guaranteed to cure all those aches and pains related to house cleaning! The body can take a real beating when doing the traditional cleaning. I have a solution for your eyes, nose, and throat irritation; the neck and back pain; arms, wrists, and hands aching.

Science has proven that toxic chemicals are harmful to your body. The eyes, nose, and throat actually become affected by the chemicals that we use while doing our house cleaning. Many of those chemicals are poisonous. We are so accustomed to using them that we feel it is necessary to “really get things clean and disinfected.” This is not so. Our eyes, nose, and throat actually get red, itchy, dry and sore from all the chemicals.

Harsh, toxic chemicals have been shown in laboratory tests to affect our breathing. Chlorine bleach sends your blood gases through the roof. If you breathe the fumes in, they can actually burn your esophagus and sinuses. They can be deadly if you mix bleach with ammonia in a small enclosed space.

How do you feel after a day of house cleaning? Is your neck and back stiff and tense from being bent in awkward positions all day? We try to reach inaccessible nooks and crannies. Your shoulders hurt from mopping, vacuuming, and reaching, not to mention using a ladder to get light fixtures, walls, and the tops of appliances. There is many a serious accident using those ladders!

The worst part of all is your back! Tile is so popular right now. Scrubbing that tile grout on your knees will assure you of having a sore back and knees. Are your knees bruised? You must kneel to scrub the tub, get behind the toilets and along the base boards.

There are books printed on How to Clean. There are professionals on the internet who profess to know the solutions to cleaning. People hire cleaning companies, which can run into hundreds of dollars several times a year. Save your money!

All of this isn’t working. The easiest way to deal with this problem to avoid it altogether, but your house starts looking so terrible that you can’t stand it any more! That’s where I come in! Each of the above problems can be readily solved with a Sargent Steam machine. I have been pain-free for a year now. The pain reliever that I prescribe is using ordinary tap water to clean. The stainless steel tank heats approximately 3 quarts of water to 298 degrees creating 50 pounds of pressure to blast, dirt and grime from every surface. I always say, “Friends don’t let friends get on their knees!” With our many attachments, brushes, and extensions for our hose, you will never again have to have the aches and pains of traditional cleaning. The results I get from cleaning with a steam machine verses cleaning the “old way,” are phenomenal. No matter how hard I work, I not longer feel like I have been in battle! The benefits are endless, but the biggest benefit of all is I am pain free and my house looks fantastic.

Give Michelle a call for a free home demonstration or directions to get to my cleaning videos for instruction at 801-979-6707.

Search for the topics you are particularly interested in! There are dozens of articles on every subject of steam cleaning. The very BEST way to know for sure if you are interested in purchasing a steam cleaner is to call Michelle at 801-979-6707 for a thorough demonstration at your home. No other company goes to your home to let you personally experience the innovative Sargent Steam cleaner, AND no other company has a complete repair shop in Salt Lake City! These are two very good reasons to get hands-on help to make your decision whether to purchase and which machine offers the best service. Service is worth a lot. It’s a real drudgery to pack up a broken machine and send it back!! We also offer in-store training or on-line training on how to use the machine.

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