

Saturday, October 10, 2009


How does the steam machine work? Basic laws of physics say liquids sinks and heat raises. Gravity lets liquid chemicals and dirty mop water sink to the lowest point, like into your tile grout or down into your carpet fibers. Sargent Steam lets you put the science of "heat rising" to work for you.

It heats tap water to 298 degrees creating 50 pounds of pressure inside the tank. The hotter you heat water, the dryer the steam vapor. Steam vapor is only 10% moisture so it cleans without soaking and dries very rapidly, so it's safe to clean nearly any washable surface.

Steam loosens stuck on grime and blasts dirt out of cracks and hidden crevices. As the heat rises, the whole mess is absorbed into the cloth at the end of the steam attachment(s). Sargent Steam means no rinsing, no dirty buckets of water, less polishing, and no residue left behind to attract more dirt.

Now doesn't that sound like more fun than the old-fashioned way?

For more information on cleaning with steam, purchasing a steam cleaner or having Steams My Team come out and clean with steam in your home call Michelle at 801-979-6707 or email at

I have had many years of cleaning experience. Once I became acquainted with the Sargent Steamer, I decided to quit my school teaching job and became an independent business owner and started my own cleaning business.

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