

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cleaning Stainless Steel With Steam is Awesome!

Although I loved my stainless steel appliances in the showroom and thought they looked gorgeous at first, I hate the fingerprints and smudges they showed. I don't think I clean another thing in my house as often only to have it still look so bad. It's really got me questioning my purchase.

For a while I tried to clean them using the stainless steel cleaners you can buy at the grocery store. With all the promises the manufacturers make on how well they "shine, protect and clean fingerprints" I was very disappointed with the results. The label said it was supposed to help "repel dust and dirt effortlessly, to prevent water marks and leave a streak free shine." None of which I found to be true,

That stuff left a film on my appliances and it actually changed the color of the stainless surface. They're noticeably darker on the front than on the sides where I haven't used the chemical. It just seemed like I was constantly wiping everything down and I got this waxy buildup that looked horrible and in reality attracted more fingerprints!

How disappointing. There had to be a better way! So I did some research just like when I bought my stainless appliances, and if you are a busy mom like me, and don't have time to follow everyone around the house wiping down fingerprints, then I've found the solution for you too. It turned out to be another appliance! It's a handy little tool called a steam cleaning machine.

I bought a good one, heated it up and began to fall in love! I just put the nozzle on the steamer and grabbed a microfiber cloth. A quick spray and wipe and you're done! The steamer leaves a beautiful streak free shine. I'm happy to report the stainless color is back to the original.

It's amazing how effortless it now is to clean my appliances and since steam is just water it doesn't leave any residue behind to make smudgy fingerprints. The really interesting thing is how the hot steam just seemed to melt through the buildup of chemicals and now my whole kitchen is shiny and squeaky clean!

I love the process too. Just heat it up and start steaming things clean. Now I love the whole thought of cleaning with steam and it seems things stay cleaner longer. I just didn't realize how much nicer it would look and how easy it was to clean my stainless steel. I love steaming and now I can love my stainless steel appliances again as well!

If you would like to see more of what steam can clean check out our website at Sargent Steam, or visit our blog at

Sargent Steam has been in business and been seam cleaning experts since 1993. We are the go to gals of the industry when it comes to cleaning and cleaning with steam. Let us help you with your cleaning challenges.

For more information on cleaning with steam, purchasing a steam cleaner or having Steams My Team come out and clean with steam in your home call Michelle at 801-979-6707 or email at

I have had many years of cleaning experience. Once I became acquainted with the Sargent Steamer, I decided to quit my school teaching job and became an independent business owner and started my own cleaning business.

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