

Friday, October 23, 2009

How to Sanitize Wrestling Mats So My Son Doesn’t Get Ringworm or Herpes

My son is a senior on the varsity wrestling team. He and I have both come a long way since he first started wrestling during his sophomore year. When he first informed me he wanted to try out for the high school team, I had all the normal parental apprehensions -plus some.

Yes, I was concerned about injuries but when my son brought home some documents from the coach telling us of the viruses, germs and infections that can be picked up on the wrestling mats and wrestling gear, I was mortified!
We’re talking MRSA, Ringworm, Herpes Simplex, Staph, Strep, and Hepatitis B to name only a few. These infectious, contagious nightmares were not just on the wrestling mats. They live in the headgear, pads, equipment bags and most other hard athletic surfaces.

Aside from the threat of unhealthy germs, there was an unholy stench coming from every wrestler’s gear! Nobody had ever been able to kill the schtanky miasma that permeated the whole gym.
The coach promised the wrestling mats were always disinfected before wrestlers were allowed to compete. They used chemical solutions that were applied by the old mop and bucket method. This just didn’t cut it for me. First these kids are exposed to viruses and germs and now chemicals, and how were their gear and the other surfaces being disinfected?

I had the answer to this problem, STEAM, I just wasn’t sure who to go to about it. I contacted the team mom regarding my concerns and asked if she would be willing to set up a meeting with the coach. She was all for it, apparently this was a big concern for all the parents. Even the coach was eager to find a better and safer solution.
The coach promised the wrestling mats were always disinfected before wrestlers were allowed to compete. They used chemical solutions that were applied by the old mop and bucket method. This just didn’t cut it for me. First these kids are exposed to viruses and germs and now chemicals, and how were their gear and the other surfaces being disinfected?

I had the answer to this problem, STEAM, I just wasn’t sure who to go to about it. I contacted the team mom regarding my concerns and asked if she would be willing to set up a meeting with the coach. She was all for it, apparently this was a big concern for all the parents. Even the coach was eager to find a better and safer solution.
I showed everyone how to clean the mats, floors, headgear, pads and all the other surfaces in the gym. Sanitizing with steam was faster, more effective, there was no waiting time for the mats to dry and best of all, the steam cleaner uses absolutely no chemicals to completely eliminate all those germs, bacteria and viruses.

I asked them how they felt about this method verses the old mop and bucket method and they unanimously agreed there was no comparison.
Every parent in that room was so impressed with the results that within 30 minutes they had come up with enough money to purchase a steam cleaner for the wrestling team and a rotation schedule of volunteers to do the job regularly. Talk about peace of mind. My son may get a few bumps and bruises but he will not be infected with any of those nasty illnesses.

Every parent should check out this steam cleaner – it’s amazing around the house and now it’s protecting my child at school.

For more information on cleaning with steam, purchasing a steam cleaner, or having
Steams My Team make an appointment to go to your home and clean with steam call Michelle at 801-979-6707 or e-mail her at

I have had many years of cleaning experience. Once I became acquainted with the Sargent Steamer, I decided to become an independent business owner and started my own cleaning business as well.

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