

Friday, October 9, 2009

Discover Pain Free Cleaning – No Day After Aches, Pains or Back Aches

I can prescribe a pain reliever, guaranteed to cure all those aches and pains associated with cleaning.

Let me just rant and rave a minute or two about how physically painful cleaning can be. I’ll start at the top with your eyes, nose and throat. They get red, itchy, dry and sore from all the chemicals. Chemical issues go far beyond eyes, noses and throats. They’re also hard on the skin on your hands making them red, itchy and so dry they actually crack.

Most alarming is what those harsh, dangerous toxic cleaning chemicals are doing to you internally. Laboratory test have shown that breathing in chlorine bleach sends your blood gases through the roof! If you breathe it in it actually burns your esophagus and sinuses and it’s absolutely deadly if you mix bleach with ammonia in a small enclosed space.

Moving down your body to your neck area which gets stiff and tense from being bent at so many weird angles while you try to reach into inaccessible nooks and crannies. Your shoulders hurt from mopping and vacuuming and reaching all those places up above your head like the ceiling, walls, light fixtures and tops of appliances just to name a few.

The worst is your back. Who decided that in order to clean it required you to bend at the waist for lengthy periods of time?

Your wrists hurt from scrubbing, and how about the bruises on your knees from kneeling on the hard tile floors so you can reach places like the inside of the tub, behind the toilet, the base boards. And lets not forget the grueling pain of being on your hands and knees with bleach and a tooth brush cleaning the tile grout.

Lets face it, cleaning can be a real pain. I know because I have been cleaning (and in pain) for almost 25 years.

First I thought maybe my cleaning practices were flawed and I just needed to be taught the right way to clean. I invested in books, I went online to do some research and I even asked the professionals for some advise. Their advise was to hire a cleaning company. Honestly, if I could afford it that’s exactly what I would do.

This was not working. I began dreading and procrastinating cleaning my house and the condition of my house was declining rapidly. Little did I know, when you don’t keep up on housework you also start collecting clutter. I needed a cure, and boy did I find one!

I’ve been pain free for two years now. My pain reliever came in the form of a steam cleaner. Since I’ve owned my steamer I’ve never used any form of a chemical. I’ve not been down on my hands and knees since. Tasks that used to require me to bend at the waist in order to clean, I’m now able to do standing straight up.

I no longer clean anything with my arms above my head and my wrists aren’t sore from all that repetitive scrubbing motion. I let this machine do all the work and I feel better all the way around. I know this might sound a little sick but I actually enjoy cleaning now! The results I get from cleaning with a steam machine verses the old way is like comparing apples to oranges. No matter how hard I worked or how much pain I subjected myself to, I could never get the results I get now that I clean with steam.

My house looks and feels cleaner than it ever has. Cleaning with steam is faster and way more effective. The benefits are endless but to me, the biggest benefit of all is I am pain free and my house looks fantastic!

Go to to check out the best cleaning tool and back saver ever.

For more information on cleaning with steam, purchasing a steam cleaner or having Steams My Team come out and clean with steam in your home call Michelle at 801-979-6707 or email at

I have had many years of cleaning experience. Once I became acquainted with the Sargent Steamer, I decided to quit my school teaching job and became an independent business owner and started my own cleaning business.

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